Sites related to Construction Grammar:
ICCG1 (2000, University of California at Berkeley)
ICCG2 (2001, University of Helsinki)
ICCG3 (2003, University of Provence)
FrameNet Webpage (ICSI)
Japanese FrameNet Webpage (Keio University)
Keio Construction Grammar Workshop (Keio University)
Constructional Approaches to Language (John Benjamins)
Some goodies:
Photo Gallery from the Conference.
ICCG4 Poster (ca. 900kb, JPEG format) can be downloaded from here (use right-click or, if you are using the Mac, ctrl+click).
Introductory Essays on Construction Grammar (in Japanese).
Supporting organizations:
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
University of Tokyo (top page)
Department of Language and Information Sciences, University of Tokyo
Center for Evolutionary Cognitive Science, University of Tokyo
Book exhibition:
Oxford University Press/S.I. Book Service
Bonjinsha (Japanese books in humanities).
Travel & accomodations:
Narita Express (NEX) Timetable
University of Tokyo campus info
Lever son Verre (on-campus restaurant)