
Christopher GoGwilt氏とコンラッドを読むセミナー
    “Critical Turns in Conrad” or “Turning-Points in Reading Conrad”

日時: 2011年1月9日(金)15時より

場所: 東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階 コラボレーションルーム2


このたびアメリカの英文学者Christopher GoGwilt氏 (Professor of English & Comparative Literature, Fordham University, New York, 主な著書The Invention of the West: Joseph Conrad and the Double-Mapping of Europe and Empire, 1995, The Fiction of Geopolitics: Afterimages of Culture, from Wilkie Collins to Alfred Hitchcock, 2 000)をお招きし、上記の要領でセミナーを開きます。どなたでもふるってご参集ください。なお扱うコンラッド作品は、 “Karain,” “The Secret Sharer,” “Prince Roman,” “A Smile of Fortune”の4点が中心となります。






  “Joseph Conrad and the Future of English”

Professor Christopher GoGwilt (Fordham University)

日時:2011年1月8日(土)16:30 - 18:00



This lecture argues that Conrad's use of English constitutes a foundational paradigm for the formation of English modernism in the early twentieth century, for theories of postcolonialism in the later twentieth-century, and for future directions in English literary studies. It explores how Conrad's English is shaped in relation to a form of print Malay that the Indonesian novelist, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, called "pre-Indonesian literature"(sastra pra-Indonesia). Conrad's English emerges from the contest between two contrasting linguistic and literary phenomena: the consolidation of English as a hegemonic, global language of colonialism; and the emergence of Indonesian as a new language for articulating the "imagined community"(in Benedict Anderson's famous formulation) of anti-colonial Indonesian nationalism. Discussing specific examples of how Conrad's fiction registers this parallel historical development, the lecture will propose that Conrad's English reveals a particular space and time, or “chronotope” (in Mikhail Bakhtin's formulation), of transnational literary modernism: the chronotope of romanized print, premised on a historical moment of exchange between hegemonic and counter-hegemonic forms of English and Malay. The space and time of romanized print in Conrad's work reveals the coexistence of multiple, discrepant, and conflicting forms of language, literature, and culture shaping past, present, and future forms of English.


