

Language and Information Sciences, University of Tokyo



〒153-8902 東京都目黒区駒場3-8-1

TEL: 03-5454-6376

FAX: 03-5454-4329

言語教育・学習論Ⅰ【学際言語科学コース科目】(From learning to teaching a second language)


This course is intended to provide a review of second language acquisition research, and apply this knowledge to evaluate various teaching methods and testing tools. Topics covered in this course include the learning and teaching of sounds, words and grammar, how to teach and evaluate speech perception and production in the language classroom, the critical period hypothesis, etc.

At the end of this course, students should be familiar with the terminology used in second language acquisition research and education, and able to criticize or explain the relevance of language teaching and testing tools.


  1. Introduction to second language learning
  2. Language and the brain (a very brief introduction)
  3. The Critical Period Hypothesis
  4. Learning to communicate in a second language
  5. Perception versus production
  6. Learning sounds
  7. Learning words
  8. Learning lexical bundles
  9. Learning semantics and pragmatics
  10. Learning grammar
  11. Introduction to second language teaching and testing
  12. Teaching speech perception
  13. Testing speech perception
  14. Teaching speech production
  15. Testing speech production


The course format is primarily made of lectures and in-class discussions, all of which are conducted exclusively in English.


  • Participation 5%
  • Midterm 35%
  • Written report 10%
  • Final exam 50%


The reading material will be provided by the instructor.