- Hiroshi Noji, Yohei Oseki. 2021. Effective Batching for Recurrent Neural Network Grammars. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Findings.
- Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Yohei Oseki, Takumi Ito, Ryo Yoshida, Masayuki Asahara, Kentaro Inui. 2021. Lower Perplexity is Not Always Human-Like. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Long Paper.
- Carmen Saldana, Yohei Oseki, Jennifer Culbertson. 2021. Cross-linguistic patterns of morpheme order reflect cognitive biases: An experimental study of case and number morphology. Journal of Memory and Language 118, 104204.
- Yohei Oseki, Alec Marantz. 2020. Modeling Human Morphological Competence. Frontiers in Psychology 11, 513740.
- Yohei Oseki, Alec Marantz. 2020. Modeling Morphological Processing in Human Magnetoencephalography. Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics (SCiL), 209-219.
- Yohei Oseki, Masayuki Asahara. 2020. Design of BCCWJ-EEG: Balanced Corpus with Human Electroencephalography. Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 189-194.
- Yohei Oseki, Charles Yang, Alec Marantz. 2019. Modeling Hierarchical Syntactic Structures in Morphological Processing. Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL), 43-52.
- Yohei Oseki, Yasutada Sudo, Hiromu Sakai, Alec Marantz. 2019. Inverting and Modeling Morphological Inflection. Proceedings of the 16th Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology (SIGMORPHON), 170-177.
- Graham Flick*, Yohei Oseki*, Amanda Kczmarek, Meera Al Kaabi, Alec Marantz, Liina Pylkkänen. 2018. Building words and phrases in the left temporal lobe. Cortex 106, 213-236. (* denotes equal contribution)
- Tal Linzen, Yohei Oseki. 2018. The reliability of acceptability judgments across languages. Glossa 3, 100.
- Issues in Japanese Psycholinguistics from Comparative Perspectives(Human language processing in comparative computational psycholinguisticsを分担執筆, Masatoshi Koizumi (ed.), De Gruyter Mouton, 2022年予定)
- 『レキシコンの現代的課題』(「分散形態論と日本語の他動性交替」を分担執筆、岸本秀樹(編)、くろしお出版、2021年)
- 『言語研究の楽しさと楽しみ:伊藤たかね先生退職記念論文集』(「形態論の計算認知神経科学に向けて」を分担執筆、岡部玲子・八島純・窪田悠介・磯野達也(編)、開拓社、2021年)
- 『ケンブリッジ英語百科事典』(「第12章:レキシコンの諸側面」を伊藤たかね氏と共訳、中島平三・田子内健介(編)、朝倉書店、2022年予定)
- 言語処理学会 最優秀賞・委員特別賞、2021.
- 東京大学 グッドプラクティス総長表彰、2021.
- 早稲田大学 ティーチングアワード、2020.
- Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL) Best Paper Award, 2019.
- Mental Architecture for Processing and Learning of Language (MAPLL) Best Paper Award, 2016.